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On the Sly

A Pas de Loup

84 min   |   6+
Directed by Olivier Ringer

Cast : Wynona Ringer

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On the Sly - A pas de loup

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Like every week-end, Cathy, a six year’s old little girl, must go with her parents to the country side.  She has no enthusiasms because she feels like she doesn’t exist in her parents eyes.  The week-end would be as boring as usual if Cathy hadn’t received some ‘magic seeds’ from a daily worker at the farm.  The week-end ends, but curious and excited, the little girl decides to stay at the country side to watch the ‘magic’ seeds grow, rather than to return home.  Left alone, Cathy realizes that her parents are worried and looking for her.  Scared to be severely punished, she runs away in the woods and gets lost… 


Comme chaque week-end, Cathy, une petite fille de six ans, doit accompagner ses parents à la campagne.  Elle est sans enthousiasme car elle a le sentiment de ne pas exister dans le regard de son père et de sa mère.  Le week-end serait aussi morne que d’habitude si, à la ferme, Cathy n’avait pas reçu des graines “magiques“ des mains d’un vieux travailleur journalier.  Curieuse et excitée, elle décide de ne pas repartir lorsque la fin du week-end arrive pour pouvoir observer les germes qui commencent à pointer.  Restée seule, Cathy se rend compte que ses parents la cherchent et sont inquiets.  Elle a peur d’être sévèrement punie pour cette grosse bêtise et elle s’enfuit dans la forêt jusqu’à se perdre…

(synopsis libre d'utilisation)



World Premiere, Berlinale, Generation Kplus, Berlin, Germany, 2011 (FIAPF)

ECFA Award Best Children's European Film 2012, European Children's Film Association

Festival International du Film pour Enfants de Montréal, Canada, 2011
- Grand Prize of the Children's Jury 
- Special Award of the International Jury
- INIS Award of the Professional Jury

Zlin Children's International Film Festival, Czech Republic, 2011
- Grand Prize of the Children's Jury 

Tel-Aviv Children’s Film Festival, Israël, 2011
- Grand Prize of the Children's Jury
- Special Award of the International Jury

Iran Children’s International Film Festival, Hamedan, Iran , 2011
- “Golden Butterfly“ Special Award of the International Jury

Oulu Children’s International Film Festival, Finlande, 2011
- ECFA Best European Film award

Olympia International Film Festival for Children and Youth, Greece, 2011
- Grand Prize for Best Screenplay

Seattle Children’s Film Festival, USA, 2012
- Grand Prize of the Children's Jury

International Children's Film Festival of Lucknow, Inde, 2012
- Grand Prize Best Feature Live Action Movie for Children

Vittorio Veneto Film Festival – Festival di Cinema per Ragazzi, Italie, 2012
- “400 Colpi“ Award for Best Film from International Jury
- “Imago“ Award from Children's Jury

Festroia, Setubal, Portugal, 2012 (FIAPF)
- “Silver Dolphin“ Award for Best Screenplay
- SIGNIS Award for Best Film

Ale Kino on Tour, Poland, 2013
- Grand Prix Audience Award for Best Film

Children's India International Children's Film Festival, Inde, 2013
- Best Children's Actor Award for Wynona Ringer

Francofilm, Roma, Italy, 2013
- Special Mention of the Jury

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